The Robotic World, Our Future next 20 years

Futurist Ray Kurzweil, for example, believes that by 2040 artificial intelligence
will be so good that humans will be fully immersed in virtual reality and that
something called the Singularity, when technology becomes so advanced that it
changes the human race irreversibly, will occur.
Kevin Kelly, who helped launch Wired in 1993, sat down for an hour-long
video interview with John Brockman at Edge. Kelly believes the next 20
years in technology will be radical. So much so that he believes our
technological advances will make the previous 20 years "pale" in
"If we were sent back with a time machine, even 20 years, and reported to people what we have right now and describe what we were going to get in this device in our pocket — we'd have this free encyclopedia, and we'd have street maps to most of the cities of the world, and we'd have box scores in real time and stock quotes and weather reports, PDFs for every manual in the world ... You would simply be declared insane," Kelly said.
"But the next 20 years are going to make this last 20 years just
pale," he continued. "We're just at the beginning of the beginning of
all these kind of changes. There's a sense that all the big things have
happened, but relatively speaking, nothing big has happened yet. In 20 years
from now we'll look back and say, 'Well, nothing really happened in the last 20
In 20 years from now we'll look back and say, 'Well, nothing
really happened in the last 20 years.'
What will these mind-blowing changes look like? He mentioned a few thoughts
during the interview with Brockman.
"In 20 years from now
We'll look back and
Say, 'Well, nothing
Really happened in
The last 20 years."
Robots are going to make lots of things.

"That's sort of the promise of 3D printing and robotics and all these
other high-tech material sciences is that it's going to become as
Tracking and surveillance are only going to get more prevalent, but
they may move toward "coveillance" so that we can control who's
monitoring us and what they're monitoring.
"It's going to be very, very difficult to prevent this thing that we're
on all the time 24 hours, seven days a week, from tracking, because all the
technologies — from sensors to quantification, digitization, communication,
wireless connection — want to track, and so the internet is going to
track," says Kelly.
"We're going to track ourselves. We're going to track each other.
Government and corporations are going to track us. We can't really get out of
that. What we can try and do is civilize and make a convivial kind of
Kelly says the solution may be to let people see who's tracking them, what
they're tracking, and give them the ability to correct trackings that are
inaccurate. Right now, people just feel like they're being spied on, and they
can't control who's watching them or what information is being surfaced.
Everything really will be about "big data."
Kelly admits that big data is a buzzword, but he thinks it deserves to be.
"We're in the period now where the huge dimensions of data and their
variables in real time needed for capturing, moving, processing, enhancing,
managing, and rearranging it, are becoming the fundamental elements for making
wealth," says Kelly.
"We used to rearrange atoms, now it's all about rearranging data. That
is really what we’ll see in the next 10 years ... They're going to release
data from language to make it machine-readable and recombine it in an infinite
number of ways that we're not even thinking about."
Asking the right questions will become more valuable than finding
In the age of Google and Wikipedia, answers to endless questions are free.
Kelly believes that asking good questions will become much more important in
the future than finding one-off solutions.
"Every time we use science to try to answer a question, to give us some
insight, invariably that insight or answer provokes two or three other new
questions," he says. "While science is certainly increasing
knowledge, it's actually increasing our ignorance even faster."
"In a certain sense what becomes really valuable in a world running
under Google's reign are great questions, and that means that for a long time
humans will be better at than machines. Machines are for answers. Humans
are for questions."