Computer class for kids including programming concepts
Jobs in computer science are appearing at a rate twice the national
average, and experts project that there will be more than 1 million
unfilled jobs in computer science by 2020. Knowledge of coding can give
your child more options when it comes time to decide on a career. is a nonprofit organization focused on increasing the
quality and quantity of computer programming education, in and out of
the traditional classroom. It’s endorsed by an impressive lineup of
politicians, businesspeople and celebrities, and backed by a who’s who
list of high-tech moguls, including Jack Dorsey, the founder of Twitter,
Max Levchin, the cofounder of PayPal, and Drew Houston, the CEO of
The organization’s “vision” is that computer science and computer
programming find their way into the core curriculum across the country,
so that every student in every school is required to learn coding before
setting foot on a college campus.
This would be no small change in education. Doubters may want to know
what a school that embraces this vision would be like before jumping on
the bandwagon. Is there a school that does this already? Why, yes,
there is!
Beaver Country Day School
For most students, college is too late to take up computer
programming, says Peter Hutton, the head of school at Beaver Country Day
School in Brookline, Massachusetts. “Conventional education continues
to embrace the myth that only certain kinds of kids can learn
programming,” he says. “By doing this, schools eliminate an important
opportunity for the vast majority of their students.”
His school, which serves grades 6 through 12, requires a computer
programming course for graduation, but coding principles are taught
throughout math classes at all grades, says the school’s math department
chair, Rob MacDonald. “Our students are learning the habits of mind
that are central to coding even when they're not explicitly coding,” he
says. “We're confident that the coding skills they learn will apply to a
wide range of other courses and disciplines."
This application of a school subject isn’t uncommon. For years,
schools have taught math concepts that many students don’t necessarily
need in the real world. Even though we have calculators, for example,
students across the country have to learn their multiplication tables
and how to do long division. For forward-thinking schools like Beaver,
coding serves a similar purpose.
The “Techie” Stereotype
Without the benefit of programming classes in high school, only
“self-selected” students who pursue programming outside of school are
ready, Hutton says. These eager, self-driven “techies” may have filled
every computer science job back in the 1990s, but the field no longer
makes up a remote subset of society. Only an institution as large as our
educational system is big enough to possibly fill the rapidly growing
demand of jobs.
“In conventional education, the strategy is to identify engineers at a
young age and weed everyone else out, and then we wonder why there are
not more engineers,” Hutton says. His goal is to graduate more students
who are interested in and able to pursue computer programming in college
and beyond.
Women in Computer Programming
“Programming is seen as something boys do,” Hutton says. While women
have made headway in computer technology fields, they aren’t doing so
fast enough, in Hutton’s eyes. In 2010, only 18 percent of computer- and
information-technology degrees went to women, according to the National
Center for Women & Information Technology. And in 2012, just 23
percent of computer programmers were women, according to the Bureau of
Labor Statistics. Beaver’s focus on programming and coding doesn’t just
work on breaking the techie stereotype, but also a gender split.
What You Can Do
If you’re convinced that your child could benefit from early exposure
to computer programming skills, here are a few ways to take action:
- Check and see what options your child's school has for computer courses. While many schools require no computer classes, there may be elective courses available.
- Seek an extracurricular class. has put together a database of courses, online and in-person, that kids can take to learn coding.
- Download programs, apps and games that teach programming skills. This is something you can do with your child. You can design basic computer games together or create your own website, or even a simple family blog.
- Talk to the school. It can’t hurt to ask your child’s school to catch up with the times and offer elective computer courses. Starting a petition and speaking at a PTA meeting are both great ways to have your voice heard.
If recent history is any indication, computer technology isn’t going
away anytime soon. It’s only getting bigger. And exposing a child to
advanced computer skills isn’t only an opportunity for future success,
but also a chance to bond over a new interest.
Seek an extracurricular class