Online education with modern technology

Greenberg (1998) defines the distance learning education as a planned learning method, that uses the technologies to reach at a learner presented at distance and is designed to motivate the learners and also the certification of learning.
Many terms are used in describing online education.
They are: virtual education, web based education, internet based education, computer based education and many more.
It is a type of credit granting course which is delivered to the students located at remote location with the help of internet. Online courses may contain the requirement that learners and teachers meet once or regularly in lab, lectures or exam hall as long as that physical setting does not exceed more than 25% of total course time.
Historical Background
In past, online education was thought impossible, but now it becomes the reality. The internet technology has allowed us to get knowledge and learn with people of all over the world. Everyone can connect with each other all over the world with the help of internet. The online education now becomes the new field in education.
The online education has developed in the last 20 years. With the help of advance technology the online education becomes more accessible for the distant learners. The concept of distance education has been introduced in 1970s and 1980s. In the late 1970s, the satellite TV and cable are used for delivering materials of distance education course. However at present situation, the internet of high bandwidth is used to deliver the online educational courses.
With the development of newer and newer technologies, it has been expected that the computer network will play a great part of whole education.
but now it becomes the reality